Presentations and Workshops

April 27th, 2023

Wisconsin Association of School District Administrators

Madison, Wi

Strengthening Civics Education in Wisconsin: The “Legislative Semester” as a Model for High Impact Civic Learning.

Presenters: Kate Ullman, The Legislative Semester; Jeff Wright, Supt., Sauk Prairie; and Laura Love, Former Director of Secondary Education, Middleton-Cross Plains

To ensure the health of our communities and systems of government at local, state and national scales our public schools must prepare young people to be informed participants in civic life. This has become an increasing challenge in our polarized political environment. In this session we will highlight a renowned civics education program, an authentic semester-long simulation called the Legislative Semester. Students emerge from this immersive experience empowered to participate and with the skills to take part in democratic decision making at all levels. During this interactive session we will explore the goals of civics education and the elements that make it successful. You will hear directly from school leaders about how this program has impacted student learning, engagement, school culture, and community perceptions.

Links to session materials:

March 11th, 2023

WisconSin Council For the Social STudies

Madison, Wi

Engaging students through authentic simulation with the Legislative Semester. (Kate Ullman, Presenter)

Explore how to use authentic simulation to teach civil discourse, information literacy, and bring students' lived experience into the classroom. Using simulations allows students to learn how our government works by experiencing the process, while exploring their own political beliefs and ideas on a variety of topics. The Legislative Semester leads students through the policy making process by using daily simulation of public meetings, committee hearings, and the legislative process. Learn how to get started with this research-based and highly acclaimed curriculum today!

Links to session materials:

Supporting materials to get started:

November 3rd, 2022

National Council for the Social Studies

Philadelphia, PA

Before Students Run the World, They Must Run Your Classroom: The Legislative Semester (Andrew Hartman, Presenter)

What does it look like when students transform their classrooms into a living democracy? Learn about the Legislative Semester teaching model that transforms students into leaders that the world needs. If you are interested in learning more contact

Links to session materials:

Supporting materials to get started:

September 24th, 2022

Teaching About the Elections Conference

UW Madison

Let it be Resolved: Using parliamentary procedure to structure discussion of controversial issues and promote civil discourse. (Kate Ullman, Presenter)

Discussion of controversial issues is one of the proven practices of high quality civics education, but often teachers are wary of bringing live political issues into the classroom in our increasingly polarized environment. During this interactive session we will explore the potential for using parliamentary procedure to structure discussion of current controversies, utilizing another proven practice: simulation of authentic civic roles. We will dig into how parliamentary procedure can support civil discourse, broaden engagement, and teach the skills of deliberation that are so critical for a thriving democracy. Participants in this session will leave with resources and tools that can be adapted for any grade level, and put into practice immediately.

Links to Session Materials:

Download and use the resolutions provided during the session here.

Further Resources: